Mad Cat Capsule: Spring (April - June)

This Spring, I have decided to try a Capsule Wardrobe. I plan to do a full year of capsule as an experiments for having less, loving what I wear and being comfortable all the time. More about capsule wardrobes here. 

For the last 2 weeks, I've been paring down my closet, reorganizing my stored clothing, cleaning, getting items ready to donate, or throwing things away. My plan in to wear my Spring wardrobe from April through June. I hear that putting your first capsule together is the hardest, and I can say, it's giving me some trouble. Although I have the bulk and core of my spring capsule together, there is still a substantial maybe pile, including a dress section to add. 

Traditionally, Capsule Wardrobes are 33 - 37 pieces and usually don't include under garments, workout clothes, loungewear, swimwear, etc... Some people include shoes, accessories, etc.. some do not. Some include everything and still manage under 40 items. 

My Spring Capsule rounds out at 50 items of clothing not including shoes, under garments, lounge wear, active wear, or anything else. I did include the 3 slots I'd like for dresses. I think this is pretty good considering I have hundreds (probably thousands) of clothes. I can also see myself pairng this down over the next three months. Just today I eliminated 3 items I thought I'd need, but when I looked at them again, I didn't. 

Here's my capsule:
9 tank tops.

Flounder couldn't resist helping me with the photos for this post. 

Flounder couldn't resist helping me with the photos for this post. 

This seems like a lot and may be too many. But I use tank tops for layering and wear them pretty much every day in the colder weather. I also often wear them instead of bras so they kinda double as underwear. I have some with spaghetti straps, some wider straps, some short some long. I chose a wide variety, but tried to stick to my loose color theme. 

3 plain crew neck tees.
These are also a go to for layering for me. I picked my three favs that work with the color scheme I have going this season. Green, blue, and grey. Check out the picture above for an example. 

4 plain V neck tees. 

Again, I wear these mostly for layering, but as the weather gets warm, I'll wear them on their own, too. 

5 graphic tees.


You guessed it, layering. But also, on warm days I'll wear these alone (or with a tank underneath, and/or over shirt). Again, I tried to pick my favorites that fit my color scheme. Mostly they are band tees, but that local brewery shift is new. One of the only new items I have bought so far this year.

1 oversized stripped tee.

This is a anomalous item. I got it last year (new) and really loved it but barely wore it bc of several reasons ( it's white, oversized, not my usual style, etc...). But doe this capsule idea I want to incorporate some items that are different than what I normally wear. I want to find and develop my style. I know I love this tee, so I should wear it. 

1 ratty striped tee.  

This is another weird item. It's one of my all time favorite tees, and well loved, but I never wear it. This capsule I want to wear it and wear it out if I have to. One things I realized when I was crafting this wardrobe was that I loved actually distressed clothing. Not the store bought ripped knees things but clothes that I've worn to pieces. I want to incorporate this into my style more as a statement, not just neglect. Some might say I've gone too far with this shirt, and I couldn't wear it to work, but I feel great when I wear it. 

2 nice tees.


One floral, one silk, both vintage. These are great for work, fancier occasions or everyday. 

3 long sleeved tees.


These are for layering, and stand alone times when a long sleeved shirt is what you need. I have a warmer but very light and thin waffle tee, a striped tee, and a plain green tee (not pictured). 

2 three quarter sleeved shirts (not pictured).
These are really great middle weather shirts and will be especially useful for work. I also like wearing them, of course, so even tho they aren't my go to right now, I see myself getting a lot of use out of them. 

3 over shirts.

These are a mix of my favorites that I wear all the time, and my favorites I never wear. Now's the time! The sweater is from a friend's stoop sale, the denim was at a lost and found at work, and the checks is from the Boys section of a big box store. I've had all of them for over 5 years. 

4 sweaters.


This one was tough. I'm really into sweaters right now. 

4 skirts. 

I'm not a huge skirt wearer, I tried to pick a few that I love and will last me 3 months. 

6 pants.

I mostly wear pants! I love jeans! Lately I have been hunting for the best of the best of second hand pants. 5 out of these 6 are second hand. I would also like to find a really great pair of black pants to add but I have't yet. I didn't include any shorts in this capsule, partly bc I wear pants almost the whole summer and partly bc skirts can serve that purpose. 

2-3 dresses (not pictured).
I have narrowed my dresses down to a few I think I'd like. It's tough for me to know/decide which ones I will be likely to wear and style for cold and warm weather. I'll show these when I come to my decision. 

Maybe that's only 49 pieces? Phew, thats a fraction of what's normally in my closet and it still seems like a ton!! I'm not including hoodies, outerwear or lounge wear either. I have a feeling this will be a changing wardrobe as I see what clothes I gravitate towards. I already see the same items again and again. Part of the challenge for me with be to wear items out of my normal comfort zone, but partly I will ax items that I just don't wear. 

I'll continue posting updates, ideas, and thoughts about this project. 
If any one else is working on their Capsule Wardrobe please share your findings! Or share you wardrobe!

Something New: Spring Capsule Wardrobe Ideas

Despite having read a lot about and taken inspiration from Capsule Wardrobes, I have never actually made one. This Spring, I plan to actually try it. You may be thinking, but it is Spring! I know! Just two days after the vernal equinox I'm testing out some ideas, writing some goals and getting started. I hoping to have my Spring Capsule done and ready by the start of April. 

"What is a capsule wardrobe?" You might ask. Basically, a capsule wardrobe is a an assortment of clothing limited to a few key pieces (usually 33-37 items) that are the only ones you wear for a season. All your other clothes are either given away, discarded, or stored for another capsule. 

There are many reasons I want to try a capsule this year but a major reason is that, although I have cut way down on what I buy (and I almost exclusively buy second hand now), I still have far too much. This is true of several aspects of my life, but with my clothes it's out of control!! This seems especially unnecessary bc I mostly wear the same things over and over. For 2017, I'm focusing on reducing my things and the waste that comes along with having too much. 

I'm trying to make our house less cluttered and more usable. Reducing the ridiculous amount of clothing I have (and don't use) will help that. The space taken up with these could be better utilized and I am sure I can learn to live with less. I'm hopping that I can be more organized and only hold on to the items I really need. This will be a good way to continue to shop sustainably, either by buying second hand or buying clothing made in the USA, or by responsible makers.  

Here are some initial thoughts:
Style - I'd like to have one... Maybe this can help. 
Work clothes - Id like to dress a bit more thoughtfully at work. Why not dress more thoughtfully all the time?
Comfort -  Is paramount.
Things I love - Color, pattern, high wasted jeans, plain t shirts, sweaters, dresses and skirts with pockets, Vans...
Precious things - I want to wear clothes I love, not hide them bc I worry they will get ruined.
Practical things - I want the clothes I wear to be useful in all aspects of my life and not in only one or two situations. I want them to fit well, and make me feel good. 

I have tried some other wardrobe projects in the past, but I'm hoping this one works. I'll be checking in from time to time with more thoughts. I hope to keep a record of this experiments but also to open it up for discussion among my readers. For more info and inspiration on Capsule Wardrobes follow these links:
Be More With Less
The Blissful Mind
Rowdy Kittens

Anyone else new to capsule wardrobes? Already have one? What works for you?