Honey Pot Bee January

Each month in the Honey Pot Bee there are two blocks to make. Make one, make two, make more!! For January I only chose one of the blocks selected. This is a block I've already made, but it was a good time to try it again. 


Based on the surprise block in Dec and the first blocks in Jan, it seems like some of the blocks in this bee might end up in my MCQBOM which will be announced and explained next week. So for January I only made the block that would not work for MCQBOM. It seems like the sawtooth star will be very popular this year. Perhaps that signals a return to more traditional blocks in the quilting community?
I never did a fabric pull for the Honey Pot Bee, so I decided that I would link these blocks together using the same background. Recently, I've been using this donated fabric for many uses and I thought this would be good here as well. 

I'm excited to see what other blocks are in store for my Honey Pot!

Linking up with Move It forward Monday, Making Monday, and Molli Sparkles on instagram.