Honey Pot Bee February

For each month of the Molli Sparkles' Honey Pot Bee there are two blocks to make. Make one, make both, make many! So far the trend has been one picture block, one more traditional. And so far I have chosen to make the more traditional blocks, as another BOM I'm working on uses picture blocks. 

For February, I only used part of the Star Kisses block (one section out of four).  I liked how this block used a variation of a sawtooth star just like the January block. Not knowing what will come net or what the finished quilt might look like, I decided to use only part of this block bc it went well with my existing block. 

I chose to use random scraps for the main features of these Honey Pot Blocks, but all with the same "background" fabric. So far, these blocks are coming out mainly neutral and I'm excited to see what happens when future blocks are added. Here are the first two:

I'm linking up with Molli Sparkles on Instagram, Move it Forward Monday, Monday Making, and more.