My Q3 list was a short one and yet.... Nothing got done!
1. Do everything for the mystery Gift Quilt.
2. Finish quilting, bind and Label Tom Mat
3. Baste, tie, bind and label Little Baby Quilt.
Zero finishes in the third quarter, but a little bit of progress on each item listed. On to Q4!
1. Finish top, finish back, baste, quilt, bind, label and gift Mystery Quilt.
Sooooo, this quilt completely changed from when I first started it, but I am happier with it's progress now!
2. Finish top, make back, baste, quilt, bind, label and gift Stripy Baby Quilt.
The start of this little quilt was quick. It has to be done before the new year.
3. Add borders, make back, baste, quilt, bind, label and gift Quilt for Isaac.
My BFF asked for a quilt and this top was done. I need to add more volume to make this a usable quilt for him.
Bonus: Maybe Lyz Quilt.
This one has been on the lists forever. I'm not fully committing to finishing it, but if I do it's a bonus!
Linking up with Q4 and the global hosts.