It's that time again! Time to think about the new year ahead and what I'd like to focus on, be mindful about and accomplish. I don't consider these task or resolutions, mearly guidelines for growth.
Seek Balance in Life/Work/Art
I make this goal every year and I’m still working on it.
Create More Than Consume
I’ve become very aware at how much time I spend on my phone and the internet and how little time I spend concentrating on creating. This year, Creating should be the priority.
Become Better at Being Plastic Free and Zero Waste
One of the best things I’ve done for myself in the last few years was start my Zero Waste journey. Here’s to a more good work in 2019.
Blog / Youtube
I dabbled in YouTube in 2018, but this year I want to make it a regular part of my life. Blogging is also a priority.
Habit Building / Monthly Goals
In 2018 I tried to build new habits and set monthly goals, in 2019 I want to make sure to do more.
Home Improvement
There are a lot of things we want to do to improve the house. Some we have started, others need starting and all of them need finished! I hope to get a lot done this year!
Be a Better Wife
I never thought I would be a wife. Now I want to become better at it. This has to do with lots of things that I will go in to depth another time.
Travel / Explore
We did OK at this goal last year, but I want to do more!! There are a lot of local areas and some more far afield that I want to go to.
Read One Book per Month
Another goal that I set every year is to read more, but this year, I want to set the goal to read at least one book each month.
Create one Tattoo per Month
I only created a few tatttoes in 2018, I want to make sure to do more in 2019.
Study Japanese
I love to learn languages and I miss studying. I want to get back in to the habit of this and be able to converse with more people.
Lose 20lb
OK, I usually don’t include goals like this. I usually don’t make them!! But this year, I need to get serious about my health and losing some weight is part of that.
Save Money
Pretty standard.
What are your goals for 2019? Share your blog, or list them in the comments.