Just the other day I was thinking how much I was excited to start looking thru my reserve clothes to start my Fall Capsule Wardrobe.
“It’s too early for that!” I thought to myself
But lo and behold, September is almost over!!
Sometimes I’m ready to move on to my next capsule right away. Other times, I’m perfectly happy with the current capsule and it’s working for me and the weather.
What’s great about creating and keeping a capsule wardrobe is that you can change the rules at any time, or make them up as you go along.
My advice to those new to this technique is choose your method and stick to it. When first starting out it’s good to have more parameters, more rules. But for those who have the basics down, go nuts. Give your self challenges, keep it interesting, but also keep learning.
For my Fall capsule, I’m ready for sweaters and leggings and long socks. I’ve started pulling a few items, but am getting excited to really go thru my clothing stock and see what cozy items I can find. Shopping my closet certainly fulfills the urge for “new school clothes shopping” I get around this time. It’s better for my wallet and the environment to pull out old favorites rather than buy new. It’s turned really chilly by us and wrapping up in a well worn thermal tee, my favorite jeans, and a chunky sweater sounds just fine.
Have you started creating your next capsule? Do you change it up every quarter or stick to the same routine? What season are you in where you live?