Phew, is it just me or is time actually moving faster???
August was hot and fast and hard and fun and good.
Somehow, whether I want to or not, I end up taking a Summer break in Aug. The pace of life is just so frenetic, something has to give and a this blog, or some of my creative outlets are usually what has to be suspended. We got so much done this month, professionally and personally, and I'm happy with where I am. Overall, August was a good month.
1) There were a lot of hot Summer #watchercats this month. This one was hanging out on Comstock Street. 2) Not a #watchercat but a watching cat none the less. 3) My own baby, watching. 4) Air conditioned on 2nd Ave.
1) My mom and I saw these sunnies on one of our Wednesday lunch dates. 2) Speaking of my mother, she gave me a clipping of her abundant clematis but this is the first year it's really grown wild! 3) We went monarch hunting and we only found this sweet fellow. 4) Between heat waves, August had rain.
Although August went at a breakneck speed, I feel like I got a lot done and learned a lot. But now I need a rest. I'm exceedingly excited for Sept, and for Local's Summer. Let's see how it goes.