September was full of flowers and the last of Summer. We tried to get out and observe as much as possible, taking in as much of Local’s Summer as we could. We saw critters and got to explore new landscapes. We ate from the garden. We saw plenty of our favorite flowers and some of our not so favorite “pests”.
We tried to rescue this $1 hibiscus. Not sure that it’ll make it.
A neighbors mushrooms.
echinacea are one of my all time favorites.
I will always remember when I saw my first american beauty berry.
We were still getting visitors to our milkweed.
And these flowers we planted in spring were still thriving in the raised beds.
So many bees.
Met this fellow in a corn maze.
This bee was preparing for fall.
A lake in Colorado.
The beach at home.
My husband does not like spiders, but I thought this fellow was so sweet!
We broke in our new car with hauling some stumps home.
What were plant observations like near you? Was the season winding down, or gearing up? September didn’t feel like the end of summer as it was so vibrant, warm and bright. But we know the seasons are turning.