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Don’t Panic.

The current state of the world is a perfect time to utilize the simple living skills we have been working on. Reducing waste and conserving resources will be very key in the coming weeks and months. Food preservation, minimum living, community mindedness, practical skills, crafts, gardening, homesteading, shunning conventional products and shopping, shopping small business and local, using traditional medicines and remedies when possible and practical, foraging, home schooling, self education, nature observations, meditation, mindfulness, caring for our animals and family and ourselves will be especially important and we have already started on that journey.

Since we are already mastering a slow, low impact, sustainable, low waste, mindful, lifestyle this is also a good opportunity to show others how to live this way and to support them in their journeys. And who knows, this might be a tuning point as people realize all the benefits of this lifestyle. The change we see here, might make the world a better place. At least we can hope.
