Bullet Journal Check In | April - A Very Big Content Calendar

I have been keeping a content calendar and blog log for a long time now. Mine is a modified version on Femmehead’s version which I think she got from someone else.

I like to have a content calendar where I can plan what blogs I want to write and post, but also a log of the actual posts I have made. For me, that looks something like this:


I title this page with the month and then Content Calendar and Blog Log. You don’t have to title your pages, but I find it helpful when I go thru my BuJo each day. On the left most side I put the dates and days of the month. The next few columns are my content calendar. Here I put what I intend to blog on which day. Then, I have 4 areas that I check off as I complete the blog. The eyeball symbol which signifies that I have had the idea and done some of the research for this post, even if it’s just thinking about what I want to write. Next, I check off that I have written the blog, next that I have taken the photos. Finally, I have a check for when I post the blog. Once I’ve posted the blog, I write in my blog log, what the blog was on the correct date. There is a little “C” column here for if this post gets commented on. I check each blog off on my regular series list as I complete it, if it is part of a regular series, and mark what date it was published. This might seem like this system has a few redundencies, and it does! But this is the method that I’ve found works best for me!

In my latest Bullet Journal, I have been tracking all my blog drafts this way as well. When ever I have an idea for a blog, I find the best thing to do is make a blog draft right away so I don’t forget what I want to write about. Sometimes I just put the title to remind me of what I want to write later. Sometimes I write a few lines, sometimes many lines. I end of having a lot of unfinished drafts, and many barely started drafts. I find it hard to scroll thru these and confusing to remember how far I got on every draft.

I made my Very Big Content Calendar and Blog Log in the back of the book, upside down and started from the back. This serves two purposes for me. One is that I have to consiously look at it to fill it out and theat means I’m really thinking about each blog. Two is that I won’t get it confused when with other BuJo content when I get to that section of my book.


When I need inspiration or when I have filled out some on a blog or two, I go back thru my Very Big list and cross things off. Sometimes I decide that a blog idea isn’t going to work, or I’ve rewritten it in another post, or it’s a duplicate. In that case, I put a slash thru the entire blog note and delete it from my drafts.


One modification I will make to both logs is to add an edited check box to my list of things that need to get done before I publish. I have noticed that many of my blogs would benefit from an editor’s eye.

How do you keep track of your drafts?