Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos three times a week. I post about creative simple living; books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!
Going forward I think my monthly wraps will be vlog style!! This gives me an opportunity to talk about the books sooner after I have read them. I read 5 books in Jan which is pretty awesome! I’m always happy if I get to read about a book a week.
What did you read in January?
Books in this video:
Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion (2019) Gerald Way and Gabrial Ba
Woodswomen (1975) Anne LeBastille
Emergency Skin (2019) NK Jemison
The Murders of Molly Southbourne (2017) Tade Thomson
Red Dwarf: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers (1989) Grant Naylor
Cats in this video: Martin!
Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks
Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin
Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!
Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I try to post videos three times a week. I post about creative simple living: books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!
Each month I create some lofi ASMR with the books I might read that month. What is your favorite ASMR? Have you read any of these books?
Books in this video: Dead Wake (2015) Erik Larson
Isaac's Storm (1999) Erik Larson
Thunderstruck (2006) Erik Larson
Cats in this video: Perhaps a distant meow....
Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks
Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin
Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe!