2021 Quarterly Goals | January Check In

In 2021 I have decided to make quarterly goals instead of monthly goals. But I still want to check in monthly so that I can take a look at my progress and be mindful of my goals. Here are the goals I’m working on for Q1 (Jan, Feb, Mar):

get dressed every day
yoga every day
face smoothing
10 k steps
monthly life admin day
cleaning schedule
3 vids per week
6 blog posts per week

The goals that I have been crushing are getting dressed every day (surprising but true! This goals has been easier than I thought it would be), 3 vids per week (in Jan I think a slipped a little but over all very happy with how I’m doing on this goal), 6 blog posts per week (in the end of Jan is when this started to slip a little, and feb is … not so great, so far). Even those these are my best kept goals, I still slip sometimes and that’s ok. The overall aim is to get good enough and make these goals routine.

The goals I’m pretty much failing are 10K steps (the weather and not working every day has pretty much tanked this goal. Feeling like I will get back on the horse in March?), instagram (oooph, where is my inspiration?), cleaning schedule (I feel pretty good about the cleaning I have done but there’s no schedule in sight), and a real fail was that I did not have my Jan Life Admin Day.

Middle of the road are yoga (I did really well at this a handful of weeks but was not consistent) and face smoothing (i see real benefits from this but again struggle with consistently working it into my routines).

So far in Feb, these goals have not gone well, but there is time to turn it around and I am thankful to have multiple months to work on these goals. So far, I’m liking having quarterly goals.

Do you make weekly or quarterly goals? How are your goals working so far?