A Bloggish Problem

I seem to have a reoccurring bloggish problem. Each month, towards the end of the month (sometimes even in the middle), I get off track with blog posts and It becomes very hard to get back on track. I out this up to a few issues: I have been busy trying to get on a schedule for my booktube (which is not more important to me than I blog but a bit more exciting at the moment), and then there is just life and productivity in general. Putting my efforts to making videos has left me with less inspiration (not to mention time) for writing. Life generally is always in flux, it seems.

Each month, I try to buck this growing trend and keep on track. The beginning of the month is always easier for me. I have lots of idea, as well as regular series that are easy to accomplish. I love my regular series but it’s important for me that the blog isn’t just those posts. That being said, if that’s all I can muster, it’s better than nothing.

So here we are at the end of another month where, going into the next, I have fallen off with blog posts. My notes books and drafts are full, but very little writing is getting done. On the horizon is my beginning of the month line up, and I feel good about it as usual. I see several weeks of content lined up and accessible for me to write. I love it. So As with each of the last few months, I will try to start strong and keep the momentum going for April.

How do you combat writing fatigue? Over come over or under-inspiration? Get around writer’s block? Stacy on schedule with creative endeavors without letting them becomes tedious?

Until I find the answers to these as well as many other questions, I’ll just keep trying.
