When you find a book, or three, by one of your favorite authors but leave it for someone else to try!
Something Nice
Read Shelf first check in of 2021
Something Nice
My Read Shelf progression in 2020.
Something Nice
Irving, Martin and the Skeleton
Something Nice: Seeds from Strangers
I love to see other people saving seeds. We will be happy to plant these seeds in the Spring!
Something Nice
My new bujo (to start in Oct) arrived in the mail! I have started working on the yearly spreads and can’t wait to get more into the meat of it!
Something Nice
A new little patchwork.
Something Nice
Two very different bird’s nests both using quite a bit of found plastic.
Something Nice: Presents from Friends in Lockdown
We have some wonderful friends who Summer in Asbury Park. Due to the state of the world, they are here early. The other day they left on our porch a gift of seeds, homemade jam and preserved lemons.
Something Nice
Seeing a favorite number in various places.
Plus a bonus: Hitchhikker’s Guide to the Galaxy bumper sticker!!!
Something Nice: Found Skull
A neighborhood street in Asbury Park, NJ, is not where I usually expect to find a cat skull. But a few months ago, walking for breakfast, that is exactly what we found.
Something Nice
Revisiting the Santa collection.
Something Nice: Life Drawing
Technically life drawing, or live drawing, isn’t new to me. I was an artist when I was young and life drawing was always one of my favorite activities. So the activity itself isn’t new, but going to a class in my very own city by the sea is. And that is nice!
I’d seen the advert in a local gallery but it took years before I actually signed up. I’m glad I finally did and after one session, I’m hooked!
Now I have to figure out how to incorporate this activity into my monthly routine!
Have you taken any classes in your area recently? What resources are there for learning near you?
Something Nice: Garden Meals
One of the best things about Summer is the eating the garden profits.
Tomatoes and our first corn!
Potato poblano tacos with home made pickled onions and salsa.
Home made salad with home grown tomatoes and spicy peppers.
Tomatoes and mozz with balsamic. Our favorite Summer meal.
Something Nice: Visiting a Friend's Garden
When I was in Brooklyn last month, I was able to spend some time in a friend’s garden.
Something Nice
Celebrating with family.
Something Nice: When a Friend Rescues Something Just for You
Something Nice: Thrifting Something You Know a Friend Will Like
Something Nice
We continued our tradition of bringing out our vintage ghost this year!