April OMG Finish + May Goal

I finished my April goal early in the month so I could add it to my Q1 finish Along completed list, as well. Check out the post here

So I'm on to May!

I've been working on this Ohio Star quilt for a looooong time. It's been on every one of my Finish Along lists for 2015, and 2016. I think May is my month to get it done!

Linking up with Red Letter Quilts for OMG May.
Since I started this quilt way back in 2014, all the cats have had a hand in helping me. Here, pit gives me some advice about how to continue the quilting and reach my May Goal!

pit mouth.jpg

Thoughts On... A Lifestyle Column

I wouldn't call this a "Lifestyle Blog".

But it kind of is one. It's a blog about my life, my lifestyle and how I want to live. 

Recently, especially since the move, I've been trying to identify the things that make my life better. These are usually small, everyday things, routines, products, mantras, practices. Little things that make my life easier, make me happy, or help me to hone the lifestyle I want to create. These are my thoughts on...

Making the Bed. 

A few years ago, I had a friend staying with me who always made the bed. I had never done this before. We weren't a bed making family growing up. She made hospital corners. She was the inspiration for me to start making the bed, but not regularly. 

Now I try to make the bed every day. I don't go crazy. I mostly just straighten the pillows, brush off the fitted sheet, and reapply the blankets in a more orderly fashion. That's it. Nothing fancy. 

But it really makes me feel quite good! I feel like I'm getting something done when I do it and it's nice to get into a made bed at the end of the day. 

Now, we have 5 cats, so sometimes I don't want to disturb them. Or sometimes I'm just lazy, or sometimes I just don't want to. But I know that when I do make the bed, I feel a little better about life. I don't feel worse if I don't make it, but I feel better when I do. It's not a chore, it's a helpful practice. It makes my life a little more orderly, going to bed a little less of a struggle, and doesn't a made bed look sweet covered in cats?

Who out there makes the bed regularly? Who hates making the bed?