2020 Monthly Goals | August Goals and July Recap

Somehow I did worse on my July goals then my June goals??


Inbox to zero, but really this time
Sometimes when I look at my inbox I just feel dread.

Did even touch it.

Make 1 comic
I’d really like to find a way to chronicle my experiences

I did actually do some sketches for this. I don’t have a clear goal or story in mind tho, so that’s as far as I got.

Make 1 video
I’ve made a few in the past, but I would like to get better at it.

Not at all.

I’m not sure why I can’t get this into my routine.

Nope. But I am rolling this one over.

Restart sourdough
June was rough and I was not able to keep up with it but I really like having starter for breads, pancakes and cookies.

This goal I actually decided was not well suited for the Summer. I do plan on starting my starter again in the Fall.

Work on Decluttering
I’n not going to fool myself that I can declutter everything in one month, but I have been trying to get some progress made on this goal.

Did not do.


Here are my August Goals:

I’ve started to get back into this and I want to make it part of my daily life.

I have got to figure this goal out.

Make 1 video
it doesn’t matter what it is or what it’s about. I just gotta get the process started.

Tattoo work
I want a tattoo, I want to tattoo. I just have to do something on this goal. Either book an appointment for a tattoo, or practice the art of tattooing.

First steps on my book
In July, I had a realization of a book I want to write. I would like to take some baby steps to this.

Looking over my Aug goals, I see that they are all creative! I must be craving some creativity in my life right now!! Are your end of Summer goals about productivity or creativity?