New Block: Failed Star

Here we are six months into my MadCatQuiltsBOM! How did we get here so fast!? I've had such a great time coming up with new blocks to make and pushing myself to try new things!
For June I'd chosen a star block using diamond shapes I'd glimpsed. It was an 8 point star, similar to a Sawtooth Star.    

My inspiration came from Pomegranate and Chintz, but I can remember what post...

My inspiration came from Pomegranate and Chintz, but I can remember what post...

Here's where my no measuring, no rulers method kinda falls down. I cut out eight diamonds in what I thought looked like a good approximation of what I needed and started sewing them together. And immediately hit some problems. No points, bunching, ugh. I decided to take two of the points out and try again.... But that made the sewing of the background awkward at best. I ended up making it way bigger to compensate. 


So, although this block got a little out of hand, I'm keeping it in the BOM. It was a great learning experience, for sure. I hope to try diamond shapes again... but not too soon.  


New Block: Tree Of Life Variation

A little while ago, I was inspired to make a baby quilt in white, silver, red and black. Not my usual palate, but I thought I'd give it a try. Then I set out to find a pattern that interested me. 

tree 1 better.jpg

I've long thought that a Tree of Life Block would make a great focal point for a baby quilt. I've avoided this block because... so many HSTs! After looking around on Google images, I worked out a variation and got to work. It's a little wonky but that's kinda my style. At least Elvis likes it:

I'm linking up with Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching

New Block: Drunkard's Path

I knew I would eventually try the drunkard's path block during the MadCatBOM. But what an intimidating block!! I bet a lot of quilters feel that way! Curves!! How nerve-wracking. But guess what? This block was awesome to make. 

I looked at a few tutorials for this block, but in the end I really didn't use one. I just winged it! I tried to bring in some brighter and new colors with this block. I'm hoping to add more and pull it all together at the end. 

As you know, I don't measure my fabric, I free hand measure and cut all my work. I found this worked well for the curves in this block, but the block itself came out quite a bit smaller than my other blocks for the BOM. So I might add a boarder later. 

You can find the rest of the MadCatBOM blocks here. I'm linking up with Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching today. Are you?

New Block: Basket Weave

For March, I really couldn't decide what block to do for the MadCatBOM. I scoured my books, and decided that this variation of a basket weave would do nicely. 

This block came together very quickly. I've done a few blocks that were similar, but never quite this one. I could see using this block in some ways in the future. 

I've been trying to build a bit of a theme with the fabrics, but the bits I have of them is already dwindling. I'll try to incorporate some more of my stash in the blocks going forward. Here's what all my blocks look like together:

I'm not sure what I'll do with these blocks when I'm done with all twelve. But for now, I'm linking up with Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching

Decisions on a Sunday Morning + News!

I'm a little late posting this one, but am linking up with Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching anyway!

While unpacking, I've uncovered a lot of WIPs & UFOs. I made this mini quilt ages ago, so long now I can't remember. I do remember it was my first attempt at flying geese with not the best results. All my geese were cropped!! I've never quite gotten over it and haven't made flying geese since. 

I still liked aspects of this mini, though, so when I found it I decided to back it and quilt it. But now, what to quilt it with? I picked out a few thread choices, but none seem quite right... Any suggestions?

I have a lot on my plate at the moment, so I'm not in a great rush to make a decision. 

Now for the news! Mad Cat Quilts will be having a sale starting next weekend! Just in time for xmas gifts, of course! Look for updates and the start of the sale in the blog and instagram. There will be many small items, as well as sale prices on quilts! Keep your eyes peeled!

New Block: Big O Block

I recently saw a whole quilt made out of these "o" blocks and I really liked it! I thought it might be simple and good for a new (secret) project I was thinking of. 

I used some shot cotton and fat quarters I recently picked up at Brooklyn General as well as some other fabric I had on hand. I really like the way these blocks came out. I think this project will go swimmingly. 

Have you made this block? If so, I'd love to see how you incorporated it into your work!

New Block: Four Bear Paws

Well, really this is an older block as I made it quite a few month ago, now.
I was inspired my Maureen Cracknell's Bear Paw block

One day, I will iron all my blocks. Perhaps I'm waiting for a proper ironing board. Or even a table ... Right now we iron everything on a towel on the floor. 

One day, I will iron all my blocks. Perhaps I'm waiting for a proper ironing board. Or even a table ... Right now we iron everything on a towel on the floor. 

I've been lacking inspiration and motivation in my sewing lately, so I thought I'd go thru some of the WIPs I have. I'm at a stage in much of my ongoing quilts where they require a large block of time and space, and I just haven't had that recently. I'm hesitant to work on the projects that are more new and less done, bc that just means my pile of unfinished grows and grows. 

I need a vacation just for quilting! Who's with me?

I'm linking this block up with Slow Sunday Stitching by Kathy's Quilts

New Block: Crown of Thorns

When I saw this block on the Tales of Cloth blog, as part of her Red Sky at Night QAL, I knew I wanted to try it. 

Ever wrinkly.

Ever wrinkly.

I decided to make a really over sized block. I picked out some tiny calicoes and then decided it needed a plain border, or part of one... I'm not sure what I'll do with this big block. Any ideas?

Also, at Tales of Cloth, Jodi revealed the top and bottom for the Flowers for Eleni quilt. It's amazing quilt and it was an amazing experience to be a part of

Picture by Tales of Cloth. Pure photoshop skills by me. 

Picture by Tales of Cloth. Pure photoshop skills by me. 

I can even see one the of the flowers I made in the pic! I think they changed the backing fabric, which is super nice of them, as I think I cut mine too small. 
Thanks so much to Jodi and her helpers for allowing us to share our grief and joy and hope in this way. 

I'm sharing all this with Slow Stitching Sunday. As always, check out Kathy's blog!

New Block: Fat Little Cross

I had been putting any new blocks I sew under the category Something New. You can see some examples here, here, and here. But I have been doing a lot of new blocks, and plan to do A LOT more this year. So, I think they are going to need their own heading. 

 I happened upon an image of this block on instagram and thought I'd try it! I'm not sure what this one is called. Does anyone know? 

I used some vintage precuts I had. This block is really similar to a churn dash block, but has a totally different feel. I started quilting this to make a pillow out of, which very may well fall into the Something New category. (If I ever finish it!)

Like churn dash blocks, these would be really fun chain piecing blocks on the machine. There are times I wished I used a machine for sewing, especially since one simple block can take so long! But since I only hand sew, I'm linking up with Kathy's Quilts and Slow Stitching Sunday

Cutting Floor Room

I had great plans to post more during the past week. 

Even though my holidays were calm and easy, there never seems to be enough time. I'm trying hard to get one more quilt finished before the new year (but, it looks like it will be just after the new year, at this point). I have also been helping my husband with some projects he's working on. 

We craft all over the house, but are mostly centered in the living room. This is how our sewing machine table looks most of the time. But often with more cats on it. 

We craft all over the house, but are mostly centered in the living room. This is how our sewing machine table looks most of the time. But often with more cats on it. 

My husband has a few weeks off and has decided that he wants to create something every day. What a great idea! One of the larger projects he's embarking on is creating his first quilt. He picked out his fabric, and the square he plans on using, but he hates the cutting! Now, I don't use a mat and rotary cutter for my own quilts or projects but I'm happy to cut his pieces for him. His scraps become my pre-cuts!

One thing I long for is a big, wooden table and a room to put it. Right now, I cut everything on the floor. 

One thing I long for is a big, wooden table and a room to put it. Right now, I cut everything on the floor. 

I keep almost every scrap bc I use them a lot in my quilts. But I haven't figured out what to do with these tiny edges. Any thoughts?

I keep almost every scrap bc I use them a lot in my quilts. But I haven't figured out what to do with these tiny edges. Any thoughts?

It's very fun to help and collaborate any way that I can. I try not to interfere with the creative process too much, while still being helpful and encouraging. 

We have very different taste in color combos. It's always interesting to see what he matches together!

We have very different taste in color combos. It's always interesting to see what he matches together!

I hope everyone had a calm and creative holiday season.